Global Ministries EarthKeepers

Global Ministries seeks U.S.-based United Methodists to lead grassroots environmental projects that are action-oriented, antiracist, bold and entrepreneurial.

Global Ministries EarthKeepers is a training and incubator program that provides a collaborative space for United Methodists to develop and grow environmental projects in their communities. Topics include eco-theology, antiracism, community organizing and project planning. All participants plan a project during the training.

The 2025 EarthKeepers trainings will be announced soon. Please send an email to to receive a personal message when dates are announced and applications are opened.

As a Global Ministries EarthKeeper, you will:
  • Be equipped with United Methodist resources to lead creation care work within your community and congregation.
  • Learn strategies for community organizing, project planning, anti-racism, and climate justice.
  • Have the opportunity to apply for a grant to fund a project that will achieve measurable, positive environmental impact in one year or less.
  • Receive project support and technical guidance through post-training consultation from Global Ministries staff and other EarthKeepers.
  • Join the Global Ministries Creation Care Network, an online community of practice to support United Methodists engaged in environmental ministries.

Upcoming EarthKeeper Training Events

Attend the training closest you to minimize travel emissions, while still engaging with other people attending trainings being held in other locations. The strategy is designed to support Global Ministries commitment to just and equitable net-zero emissions.

Details and Logistics:

  • Applicants are strongly encouranged to choose the training closet to them.
  • Participants are responsible for their travel arrangements and expenses. They are encouraged to travel by car, bus, or train (versus plane) to minimize travel emissions.
  • Global Ministries will book and pay for food and single-occupancy hotel lodging during the training. Participants who live near their training site may stay at home.
  • Youth ages 13-18 may participate with an adult parent guardian.
  • Pre-training assignments online will begin three weeks before the in-person training weekend.

Apply to be an Earthkeeper:

Plan Your Projects

A core component of the training is to develop a plan for a project that you will implement in a community with which you have a relationship. It should address some aspects of creation care. Through the training, you’ll identify the problem or issue you wish to address and learn to articulate how your project responds to the problem.

You must know what you plan to work on when you apply. The training is designed for people who have an idea and want support in developing it. It can be a new project or a new phase of an existing project. It is okay for your project to change as you develop it during the training. If you apply without a specific project in mind, you will be invited to apply again in the future after you have settled on an idea. If you would like to discuss your idea with a training leader, contact us to schedule a time.

  • Example of an idea that is ready to be developed in this training: The churches in my district are struggling with their budgets. Many of them are not aware of the connections between energy consumption and climate change. I want to develop an energy efficiency education program that will help them reduce their energy expenses and teach them about climate stewardship.
  • Example of an idea that needs further refinement: Climate change is a crisis and my church isn’t doing anything about it. Also, straws are killing turtles. My project is to make my church do something about climate change and/or stop people from putting plastic in the oceans.

Common Project Types

Program Requirements


For more information on Environmental Sustainability at Global Ministries, visit Environmental Sustainability.

Have questions? Contact us.